8 Best Colored Pencils for Artists and Illustrators

8 Best Colored Pencils for Artists and Illustrators 

Credit to Animataurus

Colored pencils are one of the most versatile drawing media, and they are an indispensable tool for any artist, illustrator or animator. They are widely available, portable and affordable. Using them gives you unlimited space for creativity, and results you can achieve are endless. They can be used together with a spectrum of other drawing tools, such as watercolors, ink pens, or even computer animation.There is a large number of companies that produce them, so finding the best colored pencils can be harder than it seems.  We have created a guide on how to choose the best colored pencils, and made a list of 8 best colored pencils overall, considering factors such as price, pigment quality and durability. The 8 pencils were chosen among 30 different brands we tested and used during the last few months. If your favorite brand is missing, or you think one of our choices shouldn’t be on this list, please feel free to leave any comments, questions or remarks in the comment section below. This list will keep getting updated over time, so any feedback is more than appreciated.

1. Holbein Artist

2. Faber Castell Polychromos 

for more information click Animataurus


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